

Average Score Improvement

15.6 Points


Standard Pre-Law Package

LSAT® Prep + Basic Admissions


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LSAT® Program


Expert Instructors

As three full-time LSAT® instuctors, we have dedicated our careers to unlocking our students’ potential through hard work and skills training. We do not simply study the LSAT®. We study those who study the LSAT®. We crafted our curriculum based on decades of experience working with LSAT® students.

Learning Modules

You will learn LSAT® concepts via learning modules with the most thorough, precise breakdown of LSAT® concepts possible.

Open Study Time (OST)

At all stages of the program, TPG instructors are available to answer your individual questions, just one click away. You will share your work with us and we will provide corrections and feedback. During OST, you will solidify basic understandings early in the program and identify nuances and remediate deficiencies later in the program.

Practice Tests

Students complete scheduled practice tests using some of the most recently administered LSAT® exams to gauge progress and identify weaknesses.

Test Reviews

For each practice test, we conduct a post-test review to reinforce your strengths and identify and remediate weaknesses.

Speed Drills

During the Gauntlet, students attend 13 to 16 speed drills sessions, in which live tutors will present timed LSAT® questions to push students to achieve proper pacing. We review each question within minutes of the timed effort, providing students with immediate feedback and correction.

Supportive TPG Community

We bring trust, respect, support, and exceptionally high expectations to ourselves and to each other to propel each of us to become the best versions ourselves. We compete every day, not against each other, but against our own previous best.  Our motto: BEAT YESTERDAY.

Basic Admissions

The online TPG Admissions Resource Center provides everything that an applicant needs to develop a high caliber law school application. Our resources, which include topical blog posts, articles and tutorials that address targeted application topics, and links to the best sources of application information available, will serve as your online comprehensive treatise on the modern application process.

Admissions Essays

The typical law school application requires applicants to write a number of essays. You will access samples to assess proper theme options and tone. You will use the TPG Writing Guide to enhance your writing skill set and to avoid the most common writing faux pas.

Letters of Recommendation Strategy

We provide guidance on choosing and handling recommenders.

Character & Fitness Strategy

Yes, you must report your criminal history on your law schools applications, even including speeding tickets for some law schools. While these past event very rarely impact an application, the way that you report these events can.

Lunchtime Q & A

Once per week from September through November, we host a 90 minutes Q & A session to answer your application questions.

Scholarship Negotiations

We will plan your law school list to maximize leverage, and once the offers arrive, we will devise a strategy to maximize your scholarship chances.



Fully Loaded Pre-Law

LSAT® Prep + Advanced Admissions



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Standard Pre-Law Package

Includes all components of the Standard Pre-Law Package


Advanced Admissions Package

Includes all components of the Advanced Admissions Package



Advanced Admissions

Basic Admissions + Application Review


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Advanced Application Review


Personal Statement Review

Once you have a solid draft, we will review your personal statement for message and mechanics. Our mulit-stage review process normally involves several back-and-forth review sessions.

Resumé Review

You will use the TPG resumé formatting video to ensure that you avoid the most common mistakes in formatting your resumé. We will then review your resumé for content, formatting, and organization. We will provide strategy advice and revision suggestions to showcase your experience and your professional skillset.

Basic Admissions

The online TPG Application Resource Center provides everything that an applicant needs to develop a high caliber law school application. Our resources, which include topical blog posts, articles and tutorials that address targeted application topics, and links to the best sources of application information available, will serve as your online comprehensive treatise on the modern application process.

Admissions Essays

The typical law school application requires applicants to write a number of essays. You will access samples to assess proper theme options and tone. You will use the TPG Writing Guide to enhance your writing skill set and to avoid the most common writing faux pas.

Letters of Recommendation Strategy

We provide guidance on choosing and handling recommenders. And, if you have to write your own, we have guidelines for writing such letters.

Character & Fitness Strategy

Yes, you must report your criminal history on your law schools applications, even including speeding tickets for some law schools. While these past event very rarely impact an application, the way that you report these events can.

Lunchtime Law App Sessions

Once per week from September through November, we host a 90 minutes Q & A session to answer your application questions.

Scholarship Negotiations

We will plan your law school list to maximize leverage and once the offers arrive, we will devise a strategy to maximize your scholarship chances.



Are You Ready To Get Started?

You can start early and prepare anywhere

LSAT® Preparation Program

What we do to deliver the best LSAT® prep on the planet…

Phase I

Basic Training

Phase Ii


Phase III

The Gauntlet

Phase I
Basic Training


55 Training Modules

Cross-Section: 4 Modules

Games: 11 Modules

Arguments: 9 Modules

Reading: 7 Modules

Argumentative Flaws: 24 Modules



Declare an official LSAT® test date.

Know the Testmakers: Study the testmakers’ tactics. Build foundational knowledge of basic concepts that the testmakers use repeatedly.

Learn optimal responses to Testmakers: Memorize LSAT® concepts. Memorize the most effective response to each concept.

Practice responding to the testmakers’ tactics by working through real LSAT® questions and reviewing explanations that detail the most efficient and effective response.

Build critical skills, including detail orientation, time management, concentration, and accountability.

Build trusting relationships with instructors and LSAT® comrades. Build personal integrity, humility, and mutual respect.


Phase I
Basic Training


34 Learning Modules

Cross-Section: 4 Modules

Games: 8 Modules

Arguments: 12 Modules

Reading: 8 Modules



Declare an official LSAT® test date.

Know the Testmakers: Study the testmakers’ tactics. Build foundational knowledge of basic concepts that the testmakers use repeatedly.

Learn optimal responses to Testmakers: Memorize LSAT® concepts. Memorize the most effective response to each concept.

Practice responding to the testmakers’ tactics by working through real LSAT® questions and reviewing explanations that detail the most efficient and effective response.

Build critical skills, including detail orientation, time management, concentration, and accountability.

Build trusting relationships with instructors and LSAT® comrades. Build personal integrity, humility, and mutual respect.


Phase II


Tactical Skills Training

Games: 3 Sessions

Arguments: 4 Sessions

Reading: 2 Sessions

Tactical Skills Testing

Practice Tests & Post-test Review Sessions: 2

Argumentative Flaws Exam

Phase III Qualification Exam



Implement basic training concepts in mixed sets of LSAT® materials.

Start to develop understandings of the nuanced ways that seemingly unrelated basic LSAT® concepts interact with one another.

Build mental discipline in response to time pressure.

Isolate and hone highly specific skills via targeted drills.

Establish baseline level of understanding of basic concepts and prove understanding via concept exams to gauge readiness for Phase III – The Gauntlet.


Phase II


Tactical Skills Training

Games: 3 Sessions

Arguments: 4 Sessions

Reading: 2 Sessions

Conceptual Exit Exam


Implement basic training concepts in mixed sets of LSAT® materials.

Start to develop understandings of the nuanced ways that seemingly unrelated basic LSAT® concepts interact with one another.

Build mental discipline in response to time pressure.

Isolate and hone highly specific skills via targeted drills.

Establish baseline level of understanding of basic concepts and prove understanding via an Exit Exam to ensure readiness for Phase III – The Gauntlet.



Phase III
The Gauntlet


Battle the Testmakers

Full Length Practice Tests

Post-test Review Sessions

Test Reconnaissance & Planning Missions

Speed Drills

Slow Drills

Targeted Workshops and Exercises



Develop comfort with and ability to deal with time pressure via repeated exposure to time pressure.

Master the most effective and efficient responses to the testmakers’ tactics and learn to recognize those tactics in real LSAT® material.

Hone nuanced knowledge and skills through repeated exposure to LSAT® questions and immediate feedback from instructors.

Tackle a high volume of LSAT® questions for extensive exposure to both common and rare concepts.

Constantly identify and address specific concepts or actions targeted for improvement.

Harness the ability to control one’s own emotions and actions under pressure.

Test Day Deployment


Phase III
The Gauntlet


Battle the Testmakers

10 Full Length Practice Tests

10 Test Reconnaissance & Planning Missions

15 days of speed drills

Targeted Workshops and Exercises


Develop comfort with and ability to deal with time pressure via repeated exposure to time pressure.

Master the most effective and efficient responses to the testmakers’ tactics.

Hone nuanced knowledge and skills through repeated exposure to LSAT® questions and immediate feedback from instructors.

Tackle a high volume of LSAT® questions for extensive exposure to both common and rare concepts.

Constantly identify and address specific concepts or actions targeted for improvement.

Harness the ability to control one’s own emotions and actions under pressure.

Test Day Deployment


Advaced Admissions


Globally Reconized Law School Admissions Consulting

We now provide the following admissions services to even those law school applicants who do not enroll in our LSAT® Program.

Application Document Review

Scholarship Negotiations & Law School List

Help with the Big Decisions

Application Document Review

Although applicants’ LSAT® scores and GPAs outweigh other aspects of the law school application, an outstanding personal statement and resumé can make your application stand out among those with similar numbers.

The personal statement serves to showcase your writing skills and to provide a broader picture of the person behind the numbers.

We have helped hundreds of students formulate optimal personal statement themes and refine their delivery of those themes. We strive for honesty and substantive accuracy, while helping you tell your story.

Your resumé should simultaneously showcase your history and your ability to create a highly professional, error-free document.

Other Documents: We provide strategic advice for Criminal History Addenda, Diversity Statements, GPA Addenda, and other Optional Essays.

Application Document Review

Once a student has earned the GPA and LSAT® score to gain admission to target law schools, a high quality personal statement and resume can give the candidate an extra boost in the eyes of admissions personnel. We have helped hundreds of students to formulate the perfect theme and message for the personal statement. Our goal is to show the admissions personnel who you really are and how you will be an asset to the law school. We strive for honesty and substantive accuracy, while helping you tell your story.

Other Documents: We provide advice and review for Criminal History Addenda, Diversity Statements, Optional Essays, etc.

NOTE: Please send your documents to us at least three weeks before your application deadline. Also, please DO NOT send any documents for our review within one month of an LSAT®. Don’t forget that our primary duty is to earn the highest LSAT® scores possible for our students.

Scholarship Negotiations

Yes, you can negotiate for more scholarship money! First, download our pre-formatted spreadsheet and input your law school list. We will evaluate the list based on your goals and numbers to recommend other schools.

Once you receive significant offers, you will input the scholarship amounts into the spreadsheet so we can easily evaluate effective tuition rates and develop a scholarship negotiation strategy. Then, we will help you carefully draft that touchy letter to the admissions committee, asking for an increased scholarship offer.

Scholarship Negotiations

Yes, you can negotiate for more scholarship money! First, create a spreadsheet with the actual tuition numbers for each school to which you have been admitted, along with the scholarship offers. We want to see the actual difference in price once the scholarships are taken into account. This will allow is to discuss the plausibility of negotiating for more money. Then we’ll help you carefully draft that touchy letter to the admissions committee.

Help with The Big Decision

With decades of experience in the admissions game, we can help you decide which law school offer is best for you. Because we have helped hundreds of our students understand their big decision, we know the ways that goals sometimes evolve during the application process and even during law school. We often have very real discussions with our students about their goals, which allow us to provide context and wisdom.

Help with The Big Decision

With decades of experience in the admissions game, we can help you decide which law school offer is best for you. Call us anytime you want to talk about your big decision.

How We Prepare You!

What we do to deliver the best LSAT® preparation on the planet…

100% Online - Prepare anywhere!

24/7 Access to our training platform and massive resource centers

Work live with your trusted instructors from anywhere on the planet


Live Instruction

Our full time LSAT® specialists provide the highest level instruction available anywhere.


Practice Tests

10 Practice tests using some of the most recently administered LSAT® exams

Speed Drills

Speed drills improve timing efficiency, decision making, and knowledge of very specific nuances to the LSAT®

Supplemental Exercises

Exercises that target specific, high-level concepts and nuances of the LSAT®

Open Study Time

Students join their trusted full time LSAT® specialists to address specific questions and receive expert guidance.

One-on-one tutoring and small group study

Full-time LSAT® specialists available – just bring your questions!

Approximately 25 hours per week for the duration of the program

Tablet View of Phase I

Take TPG for a test drive!

Sample the ways that we deliver the best pre-law training in the world!


Basic Admissions Sample: Resumé Formatting Tutorial

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This video provides a short sample from the full length Resumé Formatting tutorial.

Fun Fact: Geaorge Cluny is a fictional character. No real people were embarrassed by their work in the making of this tutorial.




Phase II Sample: Arguments Symbolization Workshop

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This video provides a ten minute sample of a two hour long workshop intended for our Phase II students who demonstrate an intermediate level knowledge of LSAT® concepts. The concepts in this video build upon several previous learning modules.

Don’t worry if you are unable to keep up…unless you consider yourself to possess more than a basic level of LSAT® knowledge.

Fun fact: The previous statement is a “compound if-then statement.”




Phase I Sample: Games Lesson 3

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This video provides a thirty minute sample from a lesson intended for our Phase I students who have already completed Games Training Modules 1 and 2. The concepts in this sample build upon the knowledge from previous learning modules.

If you have zero LSAT® training, then we do not expect you to know how to translate the if-then statements.

Fun fact: Amanda wrote the game in this video for the first edition of our TPG Lesson Book in 2005. Since that time, numerous games very similar to this one have appeared and continue to appear on the LSAT®.



Are You Ready To Get Started?

You can start early and prepare anywhere

Trusted and Loved by The World’s Best Students

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Mohamed Ahmed
Score increased by 15 points  

Score increased by 15 points. Worth every penny and gallon of gas.

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Marshall Branch
Great people, great program  

Great people, great program. Time and time again take people who wouldn't even be attending law school and turn them into students attending top tier law schools across the country. 10/10

Leslie E.
There is truly no one better  

If you are able to use TPG, I highly recommend using him as soon as possible. He is a miracle worker when it comes to the LSAT. He has such a thorough understanding of the test and truly helps you understand your misconceptions when it comes to attacking questions. While you have to be willing to put in the work and have determination on your end, Randall's strategies and program will get you where you need to me. I saw a 20+ increase in my score from his program and now I will be attending a T14 law school on an amazing scholarship.

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Daniel Rodriguez
Best LSAT prep class there is  

My score increased by 10 points in this class. It is the best LSAT prep class there is. I would recommend it to anybody! Because of the class, I was able to get a full-ride scholarship to Baylor Law! Randall is one of the best teachers I have ever had!

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Lisa Cope
Don't even think twice  

Randall is an incredible Law School Test Prep expert. We can not say enough great things about him and his staff. My son (UT student) actually had heard about the Test Prep Guy - an incredible law test prep service in Austin - which REALLY prepared these students to achieve high scores. We made an appt while we were in town and Randall graciously offered to not only meet with my son, but arranged a complimentary LSAT practice. Unfortunately my son was needing to take an LSAT prep course during a break period - which their office was closed. The thing that amazed us the most was that even though we were unable to utilize his company, Randall still advised my son, in how to prepare and study, and gave continuous advice, and always was there for him when he had questions. Randall is truly a great, caring, advisor and mentor, and highly specialized in his field. We so appreciate all the help he gave our son, and because of Randall - our son not only excelled on the LSAT, but received many offers from prestigious law schools. We would highly recommend any student considering LSAT prep to sign up with him and get a spot, while spaces available. Don't even think twice.

Law School Admission Articles

No Broke Ass 30-Somethings!

A few years ago, the dean of a law school asked me about my goals for my TPG students. I instantly responded that I want my students to avoid becoming "broke ass 30 year olds." To that end, I not...

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Criminal History & Academic Discipline

WARNING: You MUST carefully read the prompt in each law school application to ensure that you report all and only those incidents that a law school asks you to report. ANOTHER WARNING: Tell the...

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